Dependencies for this notebook:

  • pip install spacy, pandas, matplotlib
  • python -m

In [1]:
from IPython.display import SVG, display
import spacy
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
#encode some text as uncode
text = u"I'm executing this code on an Apple Computer."

#instantiate a language model
#to download language model: python -m 
nlp = spacy.load('en') # or spacy.en.English()

#create a document
document = nlp(text)

In [3]:
for function in nlp.pipeline:

<spacy.tagger.Tagger object at 0x116f18510>
<spacy.pipeline.DependencyParser object at 0x110759f48>
<spacy.matcher.Matcher object at 0x110743978>
<spacy.pipeline.EntityRecognizer object at 0x116f9d188>

In [4]:
### Modifying the Language Model
def identify_starwars(doc):
    for token in doc:
        if token.text == u'starwars':
            token.tag_ = u'NNP'

def return_pipeline(nlp):
    return [nlp.tagger, nlp.parser, nlp.matcher, nlp.entity, identify_starwars]

text = u"I loved all of the starwars movies"
custom_nlp = spacy.load('en', create_pipeline=return_pipeline)
new_document = custom_nlp(text)

for function in custom_nlp.pipeline:

<spacy.tagger.Tagger object at 0x11968b5a0>
<spacy.pipeline.DependencyParser object at 0x110759e08>
<spacy.matcher.Matcher object at 0x1107437b8>
<spacy.pipeline.EntityRecognizer object at 0x116f9d368>
<function identify_starwars at 0x11075e488>

In [5]:
texts = [u'You have brains in your head.'] * 10000

for doc in nlp.pipe(texts,n_threads=4):

In [6]:
### Deploying Model on Many Texts with .pipe
runtimes = {}

for thread_count in [1,2,3,4,8]:
    t0 = 
    #Create generator of processed documents
    processed_documents = nlp.pipe(texts,n_threads=thread_count)
    #Iterate over generator
    for doc in processed_documents: 
        #pipeline is only run once we access the generator
    t1 =
    runtimes[thread_count] = (t1 - t0).total_seconds()
ax = pd.Series(runtimes).plot(kind = 'bar')
ax.set_ylabel("Runtime (Seconds) with N Threads")

Accessing Tokens and Spans

In [8]:
import pandas as pd
def info(obj):
    return {'type':type(obj),'__str__': str(obj)}

text = u"""spaCy excels at large-scale information extraction tasks. 
It's written from the ground up in carefully memory-managed Cython. """
document = nlp(text)
token = document[0]
span = document[0:3]

pd.DataFrame(list(map(info, [token,span,document])))

__str__ type
0 spaCy <class 'spacy.tokens.token.Token'>
1 spaCy excels at <class 'spacy.tokens.span.Span'>
2 spaCy excels at large-scale information extrac... <class 'spacy.tokens.doc.Doc'>

Sentence boundary detection

In [15]:
for i, sent in enumerate(document.sents):
    print('%2d: "%s"' % (i, sent))

[spaCy excels at large-scale information extraction tasks. 
, It's written from the ground up in carefully memory-managed Cython.]

 0: "spaCy excels at large-scale information extraction tasks. 
 1: "It's written from the ground up in carefully memory-managed Cython."


In [17]:
for i, token in enumerate(document):
    print('%2d: "%s"' % (i, token))

 0: "spaCy"
 1: "excels"
 2: "at"
 3: "large"
 4: "-"
 5: "scale"
 6: "information"
 7: "extraction"
 8: "tasks"
 9: "."
10: "
11: "It"
12: "'s"
13: "written"
14: "from"
15: "the"
16: "ground"
17: "up"
18: "in"
19: "carefully"
20: "memory"
21: "-"
22: "managed"
23: "Cython"
24: "."

Morphological decomposition

In [18]:
token = document[13]
print("text: %s" % token.text)
print("suffix: %s" % token.suffix_)
print("lemma: %s" % token.lemma_)

text: written
suffix: ten
lemma: write

Part of Speech Tagging

In [19]:
#Part of speech and Dependency tagging
attrs = list(map(lambda token: {
                     "part of speech":token.pos_,
                     "Dependency" : token.dep_},

Dependency part of speech token
0 nsubj NOUN spaCy
1 ROOT VERB excels
2 prep ADP at
3 amod ADJ large
4 punct PUNCT -
5 compound NOUN scale
6 compound NOUN information
7 compound NOUN extraction
8 pobj NOUN tasks
9 punct PUNCT .
10 SPACE \n
11 nsubjpass PRON It
12 auxpass VERB 's
13 ROOT VERB written
14 prep ADP from
15 det DET the
16 pobj NOUN ground
17 prt ADV up
18 prep ADP in
19 advmod ADV carefully
20 npadvmod NOUN memory
21 punct PUNCT -
22 dep VERB managed
23 npadvmod PROPN Cython
24 punct PUNCT .

Noun Chunking

In [20]:
print("noun chunks: %s" % list(document.noun_chunks))

noun chunks: [spaCy, large-scale information extraction tasks, It, the ground]

Named Entity Recognition

In [21]:
ents = [(ent, ent.root.ent_type_) for ent in document.ents]
print("entities: %s" % ents)

entities: [(Cython, 'ORG')]

Text Similarity (Using Word Vectors)

In [23]:
#document, span, and token similarity
def plot_similarities(similarities, target):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    %matplotlib inline
    f, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    index = range(len(similarities))
    ax.barh(index, similarities)
    ax.set_yticks([i + 0. for i in index])
    ax.set_title("Similarity to '{}'".format(target))
    return ax
computer = nlp(u'computer')
document2 = nlp(u'You might be using a machine running Windows')
similarities = list(map(lambda token: token.similarity(computer), document2))
ax = plot_similarities(similarities, computer)